I'm here blogging because I'm
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
how was yr school holidays ? any of you went overseas ?
p.s./ this is a random question but you can answer ;)
okay. time for dinner !
BYE (:
to figure out what we have gone through
this is a birthday post,actually a belated birthday post for all 6M's marchians :)
ahh,most of us went back :D
including ppl who i don't wanna see...
but anyway,I'm kinda lazy to upload the pictures now,
so just go here for the pictures.
I know i promised,so I'll but what's the point?
its gonna be the same anyway,and uploading with blogger takes FOREVER!
anyway,i uploaded it there,so its counted :)
I did not break my promise!
sorry,posting again.
hey,posting again!
yes I know that I'm lifeless,so what?
you can't do anything about it XD
anyway,today's the big day for the whole class.
we're gonna be back at puay chai 2 for the award giving day :D
and I'm gonna take pictures
and I'll upload them ASAP,okay?
this blog need more pictures you know?
please post more,I'm not trying to be desprate,but this blog is gonna be like a dead end to every blog if we don't post more...
I updated the header :DD
I know its really simple,but sometimes simple has its own beauty,right?
I think the header's okay,but if you don't like it,tell me.
I'll change it if I can think of a better one :)
our class blog have'nt even reach its 50th post -.-
damn,gotta post more :D